8300 Using ViewRTU
The Upload push-button allows the user to upload the entire point data from the
6.6.3 To modify a Value
Figure 6-25:Edit Point dialog (adding a value)
To modify a value
• Double-click the desired parameter to enter a new value. The following
example Modify Point dialog box appears.
Figure 6-26:Edit point parameter value dialog
Edit point parameter value dialog
From this dialog box, the user is able to enter a value for the selected parameter. The
dialog box varies according to the selected parameter. In some dialog boxes the user is
able to enter the name or data directly in the edit box. Other dialogs contain a scroll list
from which the user selects a value. The new value can then be downloaded to the
TankGate or stored locally if the TankGate is off-line. To modify a Reference
There are two ways to modify a reference. One method is performed from the Edit Point
window, and the other method is performed from the Point Connections window. For
convenience, both methods are listed below: