Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface
88 Installation and Operations Manual
To modify a Reference
• In the Edit Point Window Double-click the desired reference parameter to enter
a new value. The following dialog box appears.
• In the Point Connections Window drag and drop the point icon onto the PntRef.
The following dialog box appears.
Figure 6-27:Edit point parameter reference dialog
Edit point parameter reference dialog
This dialog box is used to select a new point reference, corresponding point reference
number, and/or parameter. If displayed from the Edit Point window, the selection lists
the default value. If displayed from the Point Connections window, the most consistent
value is selected as the default.
Only valid references appear in the list boxes contained in this dialog box. The new
reference can then be downloaded to the TankGate or stored locally if the TankGate is
6.6.4 Configuring Multiple Points
The spreadsheet mode is one of the methods used to configure points. This method is
the most beneficial when editing and viewing multiple points of the same type.
Spreadsheets of each defined point are found in the Spreadsheet Summary section in the
main window.
There are some differences between the regular and spreadsheet methods. First, the
user is not able to view the Point Connections window in Spreadsheet Mode. This mode
is used mainly for viewing and entering point data. Second, the spreadsheet focuses on
points of a single type; it does not offer a “big picture” view of multiple point types. Adding Multiple Points
The user is able to add a point by using the same method used to add single
points. The user can click on the Add Point icon or push-button from the
toolbar or by selecting Add from the Point menu in the Main window. Once the
point is added, the user is then able to define the point. Defined points appear
in the Point Icon Selection Area and in the Spreadsheet Summary of the Main window.
Note! The user can add a point by selecting Add from the Point menu in the Spreadsheet
Mode window. This menu is described later in the section.