To Cancel scanning, click the Cancel button.
To pause the scanning, click the Pause button. It will change to a
Continue button. Put the page back into the scanner and click
Continue to resume scanning.
Note: Your scanner comes with factory-preset OneTouch button
settings. Buttons 1, 2 and 7 are preset to scan documents into the PDF
or sPDF format and, without opening them first, send them to the
storage folder located at C:\Documents and Settings\<your user
name>\My Documents\My OneTouch Archive\PDF Documents.
In that case, you won’t see the image of the scanned document until
you open it with an application that can open the PDF or sPDF
format. You can also set up the buttons to scan to different file
formats, such as jpg or tiff. In that case the location would be
C:\Documents and Settings\<your user name>\My Documents\My
OneTouch Archive\JPG Documents or TIF Documents. Please see
the section “The Storage Options Tab (Archive)” on page 70 for
selecting options for the storage file format and location.