VXI Technology, Inc.
34 VM4016 Programming
This section contains examples of using SCPI command strings for programming the VM4016
module. The code is functional and will contain a brief description about the operation.
Example 1
In this example, the VM4016 sets the output interrupt polarity on the front panel and the debounce
time period for the digital debounce circuitry.
OUTPut:POLarity:EXTernal:INTerrupt NORM Sets the external interrupt output polarity to
high pulse when an interrupt occurs.
INPut:DEBounce 25e-6 Sets input debounce time for all channels to
s. This will not allow a signal to
generate an interrupt unless the channel is
active for greater than 25
Example 2
In this example, the VM4016 enables or disables the specified channels for interrupt generation,
sets the offset, polarity and voltage range. It returns the value of First Latched register which
records the first input channel to cross its threshold and queries the current state of inputs.
INP:MASK 1,(@1,2) Enables Channels 1 and 2 for interrupt
INP:MASK 0,(@3:16) Disables Channels 3 through 16 from
generating an interrupt.
INP:RANG 10,(@1,2) Selects ±10 volts as the input range for
Channel 1 and 2.
INP:OFFS +5.25,(@1,2) Selects +5.25 volts as the offset voltage for
Channels 1 and 2.
INP:POL NORM,(@1,2) Selects both Channel 1 and 2 to generate an
interrupt when Channels 1 and 2 are
greater than the offset voltage.
FETC:LATC? Returns the active signal in the First
Latched Register.
65535 Returns the State of unconditioned
(ummasked and non-inverted) inputs.
3 Returns the state of masked and inverted