VM4016 Command Dictionary 47
This section presents the instrument command set. It begins with an alphabetical list of all the
commands supported by the VM4016 divided into three sections: IEEE 488.2 commands, the
instrument specific SCPI commands and the required SCPI commands. With each command is a
brief description of its function, whether the command’s value is affected by the *RST command
and its *RST value.
The remainder of this section is devoted to describing each command, one per page, in detail.
Every command entry describes the exact command and query syntax, the use and range of
parameters and a complete description of the command’s purpose.
The following tables provide an alphabetical listing of each command supported by the VM4016
along with a brief description. If an X is found in the column titled *RST, then the value or
setting controlled by this command is possibly changed by the execution of the *RST command.
If no X is found, then *RST has no effect. The default column gives the value of each
command’s setting when the unit is powered up or when a *RST command is executed.