VXI VM4016 Computer Hardware User Manual

VXI Technology, Inc.
72 VM4016 Command Dictionary
Enable or disable interrupt generation when changing MASKs
Command Syntax
INPut:MASK:INTerrupt <boolean>
Command Parameters
<boolean> = 0 | 1 | OFF | ON
*RST Value
Query Syntax
Query Parameters
Query Response
ASCII numeric 0 or 1
The INPut:MASK:INTerrupt command enables or disables interrupt generation when
changing MASK values. When set to 0 (the *RST state), interrupts are temporarily
disabled whenever MASK values are changed. When set to 1, interrupts are generated
even as MASK values are changed.
When a MASK is first enabled, an interrupt is generated if a channel is beyond its
threshold. To create an interrupt when this occurs, set this command to 1.
Example 1: If a channel is set for NORMal polarity and the channel’s input is higher
than its threshold, an interrupt is generated. This interrupt will be ignored when
INPut:MASK:INTerrupt is set to 0. Only when the channel’s input goes below its
threshold, and then goes above the threshold for a period longer than the
INPut:DEBounce time, will an interrupt be generated.
Example 2: If a channel is set for NORMal polarity and the channel’s input is higher
than its threshold, an interrupt is generated. This interrupt will be recognized when
INPut:MASK:INTerrupt is set to 1. When the channel’s input goes below its threshold,
and then goes above the threshold for a period longer than the INPut:DEBounce time,
another interrupt will be generated.
Examples Command / Query Response (Description)
(Enables interrupt generation while changing mask
1 (Indicates that Input Mask Interrupt is enabled)
Related Commands
All INPut commands