transaction processing Method of data processing in which files are updated and results are
generated immediately after data entry.
translation 1. In data communications, the conversion of one code to another on
a character-by-character basis. 2. In programming, the function of a
language processor which converts a source program from one
programming language to another.
transmission speed In data communications, the rate at which data is passed through
communication lines, usually measured in bits per inch (bpi).
transmit To send data from one place to another.
truncated Cut off before completion, as when data transfer from a host to a
printer is cut off before all data has been transmitted.
two-up Application that prints two logical pages on one side of a physical
typeface 1. All type of a single design. 2. Set of characters with design features
that make them similar to one another.
type size Height of a typeface, measured from the bottom of its descenders to
the top of its ascenders, expressed in points.
type style Italic, condensed, bold, and other variations of typeface that form a
type family.
UCS Universal Character Set. Printer feature that permits the use of a
variety of character
upload To copy files from a remote peripheral device to a host. LPS files are
not copied to the host because one of the LPS functions is to store
files for the host.
utility program General-purpose program that performs activities, such as initializing
a disk or sorting, which are not specific to any application.
validation Process of testing a system’s ability to meet performance objectives
by measuring and monitoring its performance in a live environment.
variable Information of a changeable nature which is merged with a standard
or a repetitive document to create specialized or personalized
versions of that document.
variable data Variable data is not a part of a form design. It varies from page to
variable text Text of changing nature, such as various names and addresses
combined with a form letter to make a complete document.