- 30 -
Getting Started
Date en cours : 11 août 2004
\\Sct01002\BE31-DOC\DOC 31 - En cours\Travaux en cours\Fax\MFL V 2\LU 251 523 984B MFL_V2 FAXCENTRE F116_F116L XEROX
Functions Function description Page
M 51 OK - FUNCTIONS LIST Functions list printing 81
M 52 OK
- LOGS Print Tx and Rx logs 81
M 53 OK
- DIRECTORY Print the directory 60
M 54 OK
- SETUP User parameters printing 81
M 55 OK
- COMMANDS Printing of the commands list (see M 65 OK)
M 56 OK
- LISTE MBX Print list of MBX (see M 75 OK)
M 57 OK
- PCL FONTS Printing internal PCL fonts 82
M 58 OK
- SGSCRIPT FONTS Printing internal SG Script fonts 82
Functions Function description Page
M 61 OK - PERFORM Perform a command 74
M 62 OK
- MODIFY Update of a command 74
M 63 OK
- CANCEL Delete a command 74
M 64 OK
- PRINT Printing of a document in wait queue 74
M 65 OK
- PRINT LIST Printing of a commands list 74
Functions Function description Page
M 71 OK - CREATE MBX Creating and modification of a MBX 91
M 72 OK
- DEPOSIT MBX Storing a document in a Mailbox 93
M 73 OK
- PRINT MBX Print content of a Mailbox 92
M 74 OK
- DELETE MBX Delete an empty MBX 92
M 75 OK
- PRT MBX LIST Print list of MBX 92
Functions Function description Page
M 81 OK - LOCK Activate a lock to limit access 84
M 811 OK L
OCKING CODE Locking code 84
M 812 OK L
OCK KEYBD. Keyboard locking selection 84
M 813 OK L
OCK NUMBER Dialing locking selection 85
M 814 OK L
OCK PARAMETERS Parameters locking selection 85
M 815 OK L
OCK SMS Activate SMS lock 85
M 82 OK
- COUNTERS View activity counters 82
M 821 OK S
ENT PAGES Sent pages counter 82
M 822 OK R
ECEIVED PG Received pages counter 82
M 823 OK S
CANNED PAGE Scanned pages counter 82
M 824 OK P
RINTED PG Printed pages counter 82
M 83 OK
- FAX SERVER Configure Fax server
M 831 OK C
ONNEC. TYPE Select type of server FAX connection
M 832 OK A
CCESS MODE FAX server access mode
M 833 OK L
OCK Activate a lock to limit access
M 8331 OK L
OCKING CODE Locking code
MFL 251 523 984_ FAXCENTRE F116_F116 L US.book Page 30 Mercredi, 11. août 2004 4:48 16