Chapter 1: Installation Instructions 21
Click Save Changes and then Write Settings to Flash. Once
the process is complete, the X5’s ADSL light should remain
on steady (this should take about 15 seconds).
Verify that your Internet connection is working. Open your
Web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator)
and try to connect to a familiar Web address.
If you connect successfully, you are ready to browse the
Web from this computer!
Congratulations! You have established communication and
your computer is now connected to the Internet. If you want
to connect more computers or a network device to the X5,
continue with Connecting Additional Computers to the
Internet on page 24. Otherwise, you are done with this user’s
guide. Enjoy your X5!
If You Did Not Connect
If you did not connect and you are using settings provided by your
service provider, repeat steps 3–7 above and make sure that you
enter the information correctly (especially your Username and
Password, if your Encapsulation begins with PPP). If you still
cannot connect, look up your provider in the ADSL Internet
Settings Tables on page 45 and try the setting(s) shown, if
If you did not connect and were using settings from the ADSL
Internet Settings Tables, return to the tables and find the next
most frequently used settings—those labeled (2) if you just entered
(1), or (3) if you just entered (2), and repeat steps 3–7 above.