ZyXEL Communications 1600 Network Router User Manual

Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator
CI Commands
CI Command Options Description
disp Display filter statistic counters
clear Clear filter statistic counter
sw [on|off]
hostname Display system hostname
iface disp Display iface list
disp Display log error
clear Clear log error
online [on|off] Turn on/off error log online display
cnt [disp|cl] Display or clear system mbuf count
link link List system mbuf link
pool [id] [type] List system mbuf pool
status Display system mbuf status
disp <address> Display mbuf status
usage Display memory allocate and heap
mq <address> <len> Display memory queues
mcell mid [f|u] Display memory cells by given ID
msecs Display memory sections
disp Display all process information
stack [TAG] Display process's stack by a give TAG
ps [TAG] Display process's status by a give TAG
disp [a|f|u] [start#] [end#] Display queue by given status and range
ndisp [#] Display a queue by a given number
quit Quit CI command mode
reboot [code] Reboot system
code = 0 cold boot,
= 1 immediately boot
= 2 bootModule debug mode
reslog [disp|clear] Display resources trace
roadrun disp <iface-name> Display roadrunner information
iface-name: enif0, wanif0, wanifn