P-334U/P-335U User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your ZyXEL Device 35
The following table describes the LEDs.
Table 1 Front Panel LEDs
PWR Green On The ZyXEL Device is receiving power and functioning
Blinking The ZyXEL Device is performing testing.
Red On Power to the ZyXEL Device is too low.
None Off The ZyXEL Device is not receiving power.
LAN 1-4 Green On The ZyXEL Device has a successful 10Mb Ethernet
Blinking The ZyXEL Device is sending/receiving data.
Amber On The ZyXEL Device has a successful 100Mb Ethernet
Blinking The ZyXEL Device is sending/receiving data.
None Off The LAN is not connected.
WAN Green On The ZyXEL Device has a successful 10Mb WAN
Blinking The ZyXEL Device is sending/receiving data.
Amber On The ZyXEL Device has a successful 100Mb Ethernet
Blinking The ZyXEL Device is sending/receiving data.
None Off The WAN connection is not ready, or has failed.
A/G Green On The ZyXEL Device is in IEEE 802.11b or g wireless LAN
mode, but is not sending/receiving data through the
wireless LAN.
Blinking The ZyXEL Device is sending/receiving data through the
IEEE 802.11b or g wireless LAN.
Amber On The ZyXEL Device is in IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN
mode, but is not sending/receiving data through the
wireless LAN.
Blinking The ZyXEL Device is sending/receiving data through the
IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN.
None Off The wireless LAN is not ready or has failed.
OTIST Green Blinking OTIST is in progress
On OTIST is activated and the wireless security settings are
given to a wireless client. The LED remains on unless
the WLAN settings are changed.
None Off OTIST is not activated or WLAN settings are manually
configured after OTIST is successful.
(P-335U only)
Off The print server connection is not ready, or has failed.
Green On The print server has a successful connection.
Blinking The print server is sending/receiving data.