maximum index number plus 1. For example, if the current
maximum personal speed dial index number is 5, the index number
for the new speed dial number should be 6.
■ If, in step 7, you removed a personal speed dial entry, delete the
number in the Number/Index field.
A user can configure a maximum of nine personal speed dial
numbers. If you create or modify a template, the index numbers for
the available personal speed dial entries should be contiguous and
start at 1.
■ If, in step 7, you added a system speed dial, specify the index
number associated with a previously configured speed dial number.
A button mapped to system speed dial is automatically locked.
Users cannot remap the button or change the index assignment
through the VCX User interface.
■ If, in step 7, you selected a feature that requires additional
information to execute (for example, a telephone extension), enter
the information in the Number/Index field.
■ If, in step 7, you selected a feature that requires additional
information to execute, you can enter the information in the
Additional Arguments field.
For both the Number/Index field and Additional Arguments field, the
telephone Display Panel will prompt users for information you do not
10 Click Save when you finish remapping buttons.
The Button Mappings List page appears and lists the new template.
To enable the new template for users who use that phone model, add the
template to a Type of Service (ToS) and assign phones to that ToS. See
Configuring Type of Service
Deleting a Button Mapping Template
You can delete any existing button mapping template except the
VCX-supplied default templates. However, you cannot delete a template