The Global Directory 39
For example, it is possible to have three regional offices (Boston,
Chicago, and Los Angeles) and not allow any of them to see the
other’s user directory. It is also possible to set up a global directory at
the Boston regional office that includes the users in Chicago, but not
allow the Chicago regional office see Boston’s user directory. You, the
administrator, have complete control over how you want the user
directories to be visible.
To run the script, you log on to one of the primary VCX
regional servers. Some script options prompt you to identify another
region by entering an IP address or hostname. The VCX server you log in
to and the VCX servers you are asked to identify must be the servers
running the Authentication and Directory service. You can determine the
IP address of a service by logging in to a primary VCX server as root and
entering the following command:
vcx-config-services --show
The command response shows the type of VCX system configuration and
shows the IP addresses for all VCX services.
VCX version 7.1 multi-site systems rely on configuration of the Global
Directory to enable call routing between regions. If you elect to hide the
user directory in a region, you must configure a route plan on the other
regions in the system to identify the hidden region. See Route
Configuration Requirements for information.
Directly Adding a
User Directory to the
Global Directory
To directly add a user directory to another regional office, use the script option 101, on the regional office you are logged on to.
User directories can also be added indirectly by using the
script, option
107, in which case user directories are “pushed” to other
regional offices (see Uploading a User Directory to Multiple Regional
By directly adding a user directory from a regional office, you control
which user directories you want to add to your server. For example, if at
the Boston office you add Chicago’s user directory, Boston users can see
Chicago’s user directory but Chicago can not see Boston’s user directory.
Chicago users can not see Boston’s user directory until you add the
Boston directory at the Chicago office.