Changing Configuration Preferences 341
5 Click OK.
VCX CDR Login User Name Specifies the username of the account
used to access the directory on the
VCX server to which CDRs are written.
The default is cworks.
Password Specifies the password of the account
used to access the directory on the
VCX server to which CDRs are written.
The default is cworks.
Remote Directory Specifies the path on the VCX server
where CDRs are located.
For a server hosting the Accounting
service, the default path is:
For a Call Records Server, the default
path is:
The VCX-supplied Accounting service
group defaultGroup is specified by
default. However, this group, by
default, contains no Accounting
services and is disabled (see the VCX
Maintenance Guide).
IPMSG Server Login User Name Specifies the username of the account
used to access the directory on the IP
Messaging server to which CDRs are
written. The default is app.
Password Specifies the password of the account
used to access the directory on the IP
Messaging server to which CDRs are
written. The default is nice.
Remote Directory Specifies the default path on the IP
Messaging server where CDRs are
located. The default directory is:
Table 36 Call Reports Application Preferences Fields (continued)
Field Section Field Description