■ Every phone configured on that regional office
■ Every remote regional office for which it is configured to collect user
directory data.
By default, data collection happens every six hours (360 minutes). 3Com
Corporation recommends that, if you have more than one regional office,
you configure your data collection frequency to occur at least three times
a day to ensure the databases are synchronized.
Branch office global directory configuration is automatically configured
during installation and does not require any additional configuration. The
branch office configuration tool is provided for any manual modifications
that might be required.
Configuring Data Collection Frequency for a Regional Office
This procedure determines how often the Boston regional office collects
data from its peer regional offices in Chicago and Los Angeles.
To configure the data collection frequency on a regional office:
1 Log on to the primary VCX server in Boston using the cworks account and
enter these commands:
cd /opt/3com/VCX/vcxdata/globaldir/bin
2 At the prompt, enter 105.
3 At the prompt, enter (in minutes) the frequency at which you want the
data collection to occur.
You are returned to the main menu.
The user directory in Boston will automatically collect information from
the Chicago and Los Angeles regions at the specified interval.
Configuring Data Collection Frequency at a Branch Office
This procedure determines how often a branch office collects user
directory data from its host regional office.