■ To remove multiple coverage rules, enable the check box preceding
the name of each rule and click Delete Selected.
A confirmation box appears verifying you really want to remove these
coverage rules from the hunt group.
5 Click OK.
Adding Local User
Extensions to a Hunt
Group or Attendant
After creating a hunt group or attendant, you need to assign users to the
You can assign local and remote users to the group.
■ Local users have extensions on the same site on which the hunt group
or attendant is configured. Adding local users is described in this
■ Remote users have extensions on a regional or branch office, which is
not the site hosting the hunt group or attendant. Adding remote users
is described in Adding Remote User Extensions to a Hunt Group or
The order in which user extensions are added to a group determines the
order in which phones ring within the group (however, you can later
rearrange the ringing sequence; see Reconfiguring the Ring Sequence of
Group Members).
Group (hunt group and attendant) configuration is subject to the
following limits:
■ Each site can can support a maximum of 100 groups.
■ Each group can support a maximum of 75 members.
■ An extension can a member of a maximum of 25 groups.
Also see Configuring the Message Waiting Indicator for Hunt Group
Members for additional configuration information.
To add local user extensions to a hunt group or attendant:
1 From the Central Manager, select a VCX server (see A
ccessing a VCX Site
through the Central Manager).
The USERS interface is enabled and the Users page appears. This page
lists all the users configured on this server. The menu options for the
USERS interface appear on the left side of the window.