
System Specifications B-9
PC Card Adapter
Some models may come with the PC card adapter.
Controller Chip VG469; Intel register, step B compatible
Supports ISA Plug and Play
Supports mixed voltage (3V) cards
Vcc and Vpp Matrix: Micrel MTC2563
Zip Drive
Some models may come with an Iomega Zip 100 ATA Drive.
Removable Zip disk capacity 100 MB formatted
Sustained data transfer rate up to 11.2 Mbits/sec
Burst transfer rate up to 26.7 Mbits/sec
Spindle speed 2941 rpm
Tape Backup Unit
Some models may come with a Seagate CTT8000 ATAPI
8-GB mini cartridge drive.
900 Oe 740 Travan cartridge capacity
4.0 GB (uncompressed)
8.0 GB (compressed)
Effective backup rate
30 MB/min typical native
45 MB/min typical compressed