3Com 3C971-F Network Card User Manual

B-2 Appendix B: Technical Support
Call the telephone number nearest you:
Access by ISDN
ISDN users can dial-in to 3ComBBS using a digital
modem for fast access up to 56 Kbps. To access
3ComBBS using ISDN, dial the following number:
(408) 654-2703
World Wide Web Site
Access the latest networking information on 3Com’s
World Wide Web site by entering our URL into your
Internet browser:
This service features news and information about
3Com products, customer service and support,
3Com’s latest news releases, selected articles from
3TECH™ (3Com’s award-winning technical journal)
and more.
Country Data Rate Telephone Number
Australia up to 14400 bps (61) (2) 9955 2073
France up to 14400 bps (33) (1) 69 86 69 54
Germany up to 9600 bps (49) (89) 627 32 188 or
(49) (89)
627 32 189
Hong Kong up to 14400 bps (852) 2537 5608
Italy (fee
up to 14400 bps (39) (2) 273 00680
Japan up to 14400 bps (81) (3) 3345 7266
Singapore up to 14400 bps (65) 534 5693
Taiwan up to 14400 bps (886) (2) 377 5838
U.K. up to 28800 bps (44) (1442) 278278
U.S. up to 28800 bps (1) (408) 980 8204