Accton Technology ES3526XA Switch User Manual

VLAN Commands
Configuring VLAN Interfaces
interface vlan
This command enters interface configuration mode for VLANs, which is used to
configure VLAN parameters for a physical interface.
interface vlan vlan-id
vlan-id - ID of the configured VLAN. (Range: 1-4094, no leading zeroes)
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Configuration
The following example shows how to set the interface configuration mode to
VLAN 1, and then assign an IP address to the VLAN:
Related Commands
shutdown (4-136)
Table 4-58 Configuring VLAN Interfaces
Command Function Mode Page
interface vlan Enters interface configuration mode for a specified VLAN IC 4-181
switchport mode Configures VLAN membership mode for an interface IC 4-182
Configures frame types to be accepted by an interface IC 4-182
switchport ingress-filtering Enables ingress filtering on an interface IC 4-183
switchport native vlan Configures the PVID (native VLAN) of an interface IC 4-184
switchport allowed vlan Configures the VLANs associated with an interface IC 4-185
switchport gvrp Enables GVRP for an interface IC 4-195
switchport forbidden vlan Configures forbidden VLANs for an interface IC 4-186
switchport priority default Sets a port priority for incoming untagged frames IC 4-199
Console(config)#interface vlan 1
Console(config-if)#ip address