Command Reference
601356 Rev A Command Reference 2-81
If a vsmount request specifies a drive pool, but does not
specify a lock identifier, only available unlocked drives in the
specified drive pool are considered to satisfy the mount request.
If there are no available unlocked drives in the specified drive
pool, the mount request waits until a drive from the specified
drive pool becomes available and unlocked.
A vslock command that is queued and awaiting resources is
cancelled via the VolServ cancel command. The VolServ cancel
command is run from the command line by sending a SIGQUIT
signal (control-\). The request also is aborted by sending the
SIGINT signal (control-c).
An vsunlock command is run when the client no longer needs
drives for exclusive use.
The vslock command does not trigger unsolicited status
messages from VolServ.
Intermediate status may be returned if the vslock command is
See Also
• vsdismount,
• vsmount,
• vsunlock