ADIC 601356 Barcode Reader User Manual

Command Reference
601356 Rev A Command Reference 2-103
For manual libraries, a vsmount notice is sent to the operator
console for action. The operator is then responsible for
confirmation to VolServ when the mount is complete. VolServ
returns a return code to the client after the operator action is
A vsmount request is queued for later processing if:
The specified drive is busy.
The specified media is busy.
The selected drive is locked and a lock identifier was not
specified on the Mount request.
When a vsmount request is queued for later processing,
VolServ returns intermediate status to the client that specifies
the reason the Mount request was queued.
vsmount mediaid
vsmount -c mediaclass
vsmount -d driveid
vsmount -p drivepool
[ -f flipmedia ]
[ -i | -u ]
[ -l lockid]
[ -Ih ]
[ -H hostname ]
[ -n newmediaclass ]
[ -P priority ]
[ -R retries ]
[ -T timeout ]
[ -V prognum]
[ -x driveid