Command Reference
2-32 Command Reference 601356 Rev A
Step 1. Errors with verbose option not specified. Requests
VolServ to check MED010, MED011, MED012,
and MEDa13 out of the VolServ system and to
return status on media only if processing for that
media failed:
Step 2. Output returned:
Failure of the vscheckout request for one or more media in a
list does not fail the request for all media in the list.
A currently allocated media is checked out of the VolServ
system. Attempts to physically eject an allocated media fail
until the media is no longer in use.
Media marked for checkout is unmarked (removed from the
Eject list) by the Clear Eject command. An operator removes
media from the Eject list by performing an Eject Fail operation
from the appropriate library’s console display. The Eject Fail
functionality is not available from the command line.
The Clear Eject command is available to clients, whereas, Fail
Eject is an operator-only command.
vscheckout command triggers unsolicited status
messages from VolServ.
vscheckout MED010 MED011 MED012
Check out 2 of 4 media was successful
Error VOL024: error in the list
Media [MED010] invalid action or location
state for operation
Media [MED013] item not found