Command Reference
601356 Rev A Command Reference 2-119
Step 3. Output returned:
Step 1. Errors with verbose option not specified.
Requests VolServ to move media MED003,
MED004, MED013, MED028, MED033, and
MED043 to the shelf2 library.
Step 2. Output returned:
Step 1. Unsuccessful Move request.
Requests VolServ to move media MEDabc and
MEDxyz to the BadArchive library.
Move 0 of 4 media was successful
Error VOL024: error in the list
Media [MED013] target archive mode is unattended
Media [MED016] target archive mode is unattended
Media [MED022] target archive mode is unattended
Media [MED034] target archive mode is unattended
vsmove MED003 MED004 MED013 MED028
MED033 MED043
-a shelf2
Move 3 of 6 media was successful
Error VOL024: error in the list
Media [MED003] item not found
Media [MED004] media already exists in an
Media [MED033] archive not associated with
vsmove MEDabc MEDxyz -a BadArchive