MVP-8400i Modero Viewpoint Wireless Touch Panels
"^" Button Commands
These Button Commands are used in NetLinx Studio and are case insensitive.
All commands that begin with "^" have the capability of assigning a variable text address range and
button state range. A device must first be defined in the NetLinx programming language with values
for the Device: Port : System (in all programming examples - Panel is used in place of these values).
Variable text ranges allow you to target 1 or more variable text channels in a single
Button State ranges allow you to target 1 or more states of a variable text button with a single
"." Character is used for the 'through' notation, also the "&" character is used for the 'And'
TPD4 Border Styles by Name (Cont.)
No. Border styles No. Border styles
127 Menu Right Rounded 105 145 Menu Left Rounded 95
128 Menu Right Rounded 115 146 Menu Left Rounded 105
129 Menu Right Rounded 125 147 Menu Left Rounded 115
130 Menu Right Rounded 135 148 Menu Left Rounded 125
131 Menu Right Rounded 145 149 Menu Left Rounded 135
132 Menu Right Rounded 155 150 Menu Left Rounded 145
133 Menu Right Rounded 165 151 Menu Left Rounded 155
134 Menu Right Rounded 175 152 Menu Left Rounded 165
135 Menu Right Rounded 185 153 Menu Left Rounded 175
136 Menu Right Rounded 195 154 Menu Left Rounded 185
137 Menu Left Rounded 15 155 Menu Left Rounded 195
138 Menu Left Rounded 25
139 Menu Left Rounded 35
140 Menu Left Rounded 45
141 Menu Left Rounded 55
142 Menu Left Rounded 65
143 Menu Left Rounded 75
144 Menu Left Rounded 85
"^" Button Commands
Run a button
(in 1/10 second).
"'^ANI-<vt addr range>,<start state>,<end state>,<time>'"
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
start state = Beginning of button state (0= current state).
end state = End of button state.
time = In 1/10 second intervals.
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^ANI-500,1,25,100'"
Runs a button animation at text range 500 from state 1 to state 25 for 10 second.