PowerPC microprocessor ix
“native” application programs and 70
power sources 71
PRAM. See parameter RAM
pre-installed software 65
connecting 52
troubleshooting 96–97, 100
printer/external modem icon 53
printer/external modem port 2, 51
connecting modem to 53
connecting printer to 52
programs. See application
programs; software
protecting your computer
password protection for 40
security cable and lock for 40
Put Away command (File menu), for
ejecting a PC Card 43
question mark (?) disk icon, blinking 9,
83, 111
SCSI disk mode and 99
question mark icon (h), for Guide
menu 25
quitting Floppy Disk Maker 12, 13
quitting a program, special key
combination for 139
quitting SCSI disk mode 59
radio interference vii
RAM (random access memory). See also
memory; parameter
amount used by PowerBook 91
checking amount available 87, 160
RAM disk
PRAM reset and 81
reducing size of or turning off 83
restarting computer and 23
RAM expansion card
adding 64
installing 141–160
troubleshooting 82
Read Me files
as help sources 24
for reinstalling system software 111
Read Me icon 66
rebuilding the desktop, special key
combination for 139
recharging the battery 74
recycling batteries 76, 129
Reduced Instruction Set Computing
(RISC) technology ix
reinitializing the hard disk 110
reinstalling system software 111–118
clean installation 114–117
custom installation 117–118
Disk Tools disk for 111
normal installation 112–113
Remote Access Setup (Apple Remote
Access) 48
removing an expansion bay module
removing or replacing battery 75–76
repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) 122
preventing 121, 122–125
reset button 2, 51
indications for using 20, 23
for startup problems 80
resetting parameter RAM (PRAM)
81, 107
Restart button 22
Restart command (Special menu) 22–23
restarting the computer 22–23
problems with 84
special key combination for 139
Return key 136
right arrow, in Macintosh Guide
window 33
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set
Computing) technology ix
RSIs. See repetitive stress injuries