
3. Menus
Image 3-10
Snapshot view
3.8.3 Take a snapshot
What can be done?
As a snapshot is collection of setting at a certain point in time, a snapshot of the current conguration can
be taken at any moment.
How to take
Click on the snapshot icon on the manage button bar (a). (image 3-11)
The Snapshot management dialog box opens (b).
Click the Take a snapshot icon (c).
The Take a snapshot dialog box opens (d).
To change the proposed snapshot name, click in the input eld next to Snapshot name, select the current
name and enter a new name (e).
Note: Only the characters a to z, A to Z, 1 to 9 and (, ), _, -, @ or allowed in a name.
To enter a description for the snapshot, click in the description input eld and enter a description (f).
To select the snapshot level, click on the drop down box next to Snapshot level and select the desired
level from the list (g).
R59770183 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 15/07/2009