
7. Configurator, Projector alignment settings
Vertical Resolution source : number of active lines of the source
Adjustment of Active lines (Lact) of the rst projector
Go to Adjustment tab –> Input settings pane –> Adjust menu of rst projector.
Enter value for vertical active (= Lact) as follows :
Lact = [(vert.. resolution of 1 projector)/(Total Vert. screen resolution)] x (Vert. resolution source)
Vertical start (= Lstart) remains the same.
Adjustment of Active lines (Lact) of second projector
Go to Adjustment tab –> Input settings pane –> Adjust menu of second projector.
Enter value for vertical active (= Lact) as follows :
Lact = [(vert.. resolution of 1 projector)/(Total Vert. screen resolution)] x (Vert. resolution source)
Vertical start (= Lstart) = original start + [(Vert. resolution source) minus (newly calculated Lact)]
Vertical resolution source : 1200 lines
Vertical resolution projector 1 & 2: 768 lines
Overlap : 50 lines
Lact projector 1 = (768 / 1486) x 1200 = 620 lines
Lact projector 2 = (768 / 1486/) x 1200 = 620 lines
Lstart projector 2 = Lstart projector 1 + (1200 620)
7.6.6 ScenergiX size adjustment (white level adjustment)
What can be done with the manipulations pane?
The Top, bottom, left or right item set the blending zone.
R59770183 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 15/07/2009