
5. Configurator
Decorator content
The following information can be displayed in the conguration preview:
Projector name
Connection settings
Lamp shutter status
5.5 Reconnect a projector
Via the context menu
Right click on a not connected projector in the preview pane. (image 5-13)
A context menu opens.
Select Connect.
The projector tries to make a connection and to retrieve data. When it is successful the pictograph
border becomes green, the properties are lled out. When it is not successful, the border stays gray
and a projector not responding message is displayed.
Image 5-13
Connect projector via context menu
Via the menu
Select a not connected projector in the preview pane. (image 5-14
Click Conguration on the menu and select Select ed device Connect projector.
The projector tries to make a connection and to retrieve data. When it is successful the pictograph
border becomes green, the properties are lled out. When it is not successful, the border stays gray
and a projector not responding message is displayed.
Image 5-14
Connect projector via menu
Via the projector properties
Select a not connected projector in the preview pane. (image 5-15)
Open the projector properties via right click and selecting Properties.
via click on Conguration onthemenuandselectingSelected device Properties (a).
R59770183 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 15/07/2009