5. Getting started
Digital Zoom can not be performed on a logo.
5.9 Menu structure
PC like menustructure
The projector has a build in "PC like" toolbar menu which allows easy access to different parameters for setting up the projector.
The menu is activated by pressing MENU, it contains 2 levels depending on the type of user:
• Level 1: standard user
• Level 2: advanced user, level 2 is password protected, the advanced parameters are only visible when the correct password
has been entered ( factory password = "0000")
Menu items which are not applicable are greyed out.
5.10 Using the menu
Menu Layout
A grey line gives the transition between standard and advanced parameters.
Theexistenceofasubmenuisindicatedbyawhitearrow,Aspect ratio is a submenu.
Contrast is an item of the Adjustment menu.
Three suspension points indicate that the menuitem hides a dialogbox or a te
Image 5-16
The menus inserted in this manual are of the adv
anced type: all the items are visible The menus seen by a
standard user on the screen will hence not correspond with the menus in the manual i.e. the advanced items
will not be visible, they will be replaced with "More..."
Greyed out menus or items are not available in this software version
How to pull down a menu ?
1. Use ↓ to pull down a menu
How to pull down a submenu ?
1. Use → to pull down a submenu
R5976741 MGP 15 MEDICAL GRADE PROJECTOR 28/04/2004