Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 11 - System Set-up and Operation
en | 11-6
Additional stand-alone operations (applicable to conference units only)
11.6 Additional stand-alone operations (applicable to confer-
ence units only)
11.6.1 Voting modes
The DCN system in stand-alone operation offers an electronic voting procedure to meet the
majority of conference requirements. A voting session is initiated from the chairman unit. The
chairman unit includes 5 softkeys, two of which are used to either start the voting session ‘Start’ or to
Stop the voting session ‘Stop’. A ‘Hold’ key enables the chairman to freeze a voting session for as long
as is necessary. A ‘Restart’ key, restarts the session when in the ‘Hold’ mode.
NOTE: For details on how to conduct a voting session using the chairman unit, refer to
Chapter 11.7.3: “Operation Chairman’s unit LBB 3547/00”.
The voting mode available with stand-alone systems is the Parliamentary voting procedure. This mode
of operation allows delegates to register a ‘No’, ‘Abstain’ or ‘Ye s ’.
11.6.2 Intercom Facilities
If a delegate/chairman unit or interpreter desk is provided with an Intercom handset type
LBB 3555/00, its user can participate in a two-way conversation with an assigned central Intercom
Operator. The central operator position is a single assigned* stand-alone delegate unit with handset.
*Assigned using the CCU maintenance menu.