Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 2 - Contribution Equipment
en | 2-21
LBB 3537/10 Chairman microphone with control panel
2.13 LBB 3537/10 Chairman microphone with control
The LBB 3537/10 includes a priority button and an LED indicator. The unit is used in combination
with the microphone control panel LBB 3537/00 or microphone control panel LBB 3537/20 with
pluggable microphones LBB 3549/00 and LBB 3549/50 to create a chairman position. The priority
button when pressed sets all currently active delegates’ microphones in the system to off, giving the
chairman priority status over other participating delegates. The panel can be connected to the Multi-
purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15, or the Dual Audio Interface unit LBB 3535/00.
Controls and Indicators (FIG. 2-32)
1. Microphone on indicator (red LED).
2. ‘Priority’ key.
• 2 m (6.5 ft.) long cable terminated with an 8-pole 262° DIN-type connector for connection to
the Multi-purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15 or Dual Audio Interface Unit LBB 3535/00.
FIG. 2-32 LBB 3537/xx Chairman priority control panel
2.14 LBB 3537/20 Pluggable Microphone control panel
The Pluggable Microphone Control Panel LBB 3537/20 is intended for use with pluggable
microphones type LBB 3549/00 and LBB 3549/50. The microphone control panel can be connected
to the Multi-purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15, or the Dual Audio Interface unit LBB 3535/00.
Controls and Indicators (FIG. 2-33)
1. 5-pole XLR connector (female) for connection to pluggable microphones LBB 3549/00 or
LBB 3549/50 (see 2.6 Pluggable microphones).
2. Microphone on indicator (red LED).
3. Microphone On/Off or request-to-speak button.
4. Request-to-speak confirmation indicator (green LED).
1. 2 m (6.5 ft.) long cable terminated with an 8-pole 262° DIN-type connector for connection to
the Multi-purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15 or Dual Audio Interface Unit LBB 3535/00.
FIG. 2-33 LBB 3537/20 Pluggable Microphone control panel
1 2
LBB 3537/20 Microphone control panel for use with pluggable microphones LBB 3549/00 and
LBB 3549/50
1 2 3 4