CHAPTER 4 HP-GL/2 - 20
AA - Draw absolute arc
AA [ X, Y, qc [, qd ]] [;]
X ; Arc centre X coordinate Y ; Arc centre Y coordinate
qc ; Arc angle in degrees qd ; Chord angle in degrees
• Coordinates are absolute coordinates in current units.
• Starting from the current position, this command plots an arc centred on the absolute coordinates X, Y having
the specified arc angle and chord angle, with the radius being the distance between the current position and
the point X,Y.
• After execution of the command the cursor position is at the opposite end of the arc from the point at which
plotting started.
• Plotting takes place only when the pen is down.
• If the command is invoked with the pen up, plotting is not performed, but the cursor position moves to
what would have been the plot end point.
qc = Arc Angle
qd = Chord Angle
• The value for qc is a clamped real number.
• When qc is positive, plotting is counterclockwise.
• When qc is negative, plotting is clockwise.
• The value for qd is a clamped real number in the range 0.5° to 180°. The default value is 5°.
10 '-- Draw Absolute Arc --
20 WIDTH "LPT1:",255
30 LPRINT CHR$(27);"E";
40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"%0B";
50 LPRINT "IN;SP1;IP1000,1000,6000,6000;"
60 LPRINT "SC0,100,0,100;"
70 LPRINT "PA0,30;"
80 LPRINT "PD;PA0,45;AA0,50,180;PA0,70;"
90 LPRINT "AA0,100,900;PA100,55;AA100,50,180;PA100,30;"
100 LPRINT "AA100,100,90;PA45,100;AA50,100,180;PA80,100;"
110 LPRINT "AA100,0,90;PA55,0;AA50,0,180;PA30,0;AA0,0,90;"
120 LPRINT "PU;PA50,50,CI20;"
130 LPRINT CHR$(27); "%0A";
140 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
150 END
<Sample 26>