Low Running Cost
The toner cartridge is separate from the drum unit. You need to replace only the toner
cartridge after around 2,400 pages, which is cost effective and ecologically friendly.
The actual number of pages printed with each toner cartridge may vary depending on
your average type of print job.
Enhanced Memory Management
The printer provides its own data compression technology in its printer hardware and the
supplied printer driver software, which can automatically compress graphic data and font
data efficiently into the printer's memory. You can avoid memory errors and print most
full page 600dpi graphic and text data, including large fonts, with the standard printer
Remote Printer Console Program for DOS (for HL-1040/1050 only)
The utility program, Remote Printer Console (RPC), is available on the floppy disk and
CD-ROM supplied with your printer. When you operate your computer in the DOS (Disk
Operating System) environment, this program allows you to easily change the default
settings of the printer such as fonts, page setup, emulations and so on.
This program also provides a status monitor program, which is a Terminate-and-Stay
Resident (TSR) program. It can monitor the printer status while running in the
background and report the current status or errors on your computer screen.
Popular Printer Emulation Support (for HL-1040/1050 only)
These printers support the following printer emulation modes;
The HL-1040 supports HP LaserJet IIP, Epson FX-850, and IBM Proprinter XL
The HL-1050 supports HP LaserJet 6P/6L, Epson FX-850 and IBM Proprinter XL.
When you use DOS application software or Windows™ version 3.0 or earlier, you can
use any of these emulations to operate the printer in the 300 dpi resolution mode. The
printers also support Auto-emulation switching between HP and Epson or HP and IBM. If
you want to set the printer emulation, you can do it using the Remote Printer Console
USB Interface (for HL-1050 only)
The Universal Serial Bus Interface is an interface which allows the printer to connect to
multiple peripheral devices.
High Resolution Control & Advanced Photoscale Technology (for HL-1050 only)
High resolution control (HRC) technology provides clear and crisp printouts. Use this
function to get smooth text print quality.
Advanced Photoscale Technology enables the printer to print graphics in 256 grayscales,
producing nearly photographic quality. Use this function when you want to print
photographic images.
Optional Apple Macintosh
Interface (for HL-1040/1050 only)
An optional Apple Macintosh serial interface is available which allows your printer to be
connected to Apple Macintosh computers. With this option, you can use your printer with
both an IBM PC (or compatible) and an Apple Macintosh at the same time. This optional
interface board can be used as an RS-422A interface for Macintosh or an RS-232C serial
interface for an IBM PC or compatible.