Brother MFC 7150C Printer User Manual

Match Monitor (Available only when ICM is turned Off.)
Suitable for photographic images. Color is adjusted to get the closest
color match to the PC monitor.
Vivid Color (Available only when ICM is turned Off.)
Suitable for business graphics such as charts, graphs, and text. The
color is adjusted to give more vivid color.
Halftone Pattern
The MFC can use several methods to arrange where to place dots to express
halftones. There are some predefined patterns used to place dots and you can
select which one is used for your document. Select the appropriate method.
This is suitable for business graphics such as charts, graphs and
drawings, since this creates more sharp printouts. Moreover, the
processing time is shorter.
This method creates smooth halftones so that this is suitable for
photographic images. It takes more time to process data, but this can
express more levels of halftones and creates more natural images.
Change the brightness of the whole image lighter or darker. Moving the
scroll bar to the left makes your image darker and moving the scroll bar
to the right makes your image lighter.
Change the contrast of an image. Darker sections will be more dark and
lighter sections will be more light as you increase the contrast. Increase
the contrast when you want an image to be clearer. Decrease the
contrast when you want an image to be more subdued.
Increase the intensity of the Red color to add red to the whole image.
Increase the intensity of the Green color to add green to the whole image.
Increase the intensity of the Blue color to add blue to the whole image.