Canon RE-350 Webcam User Manual

Header ID number FP data number Parameter
30h * *h * *h MSH LSH
FP Data Packet Format (PC <— RE-350)
In [N
] Mode, the RE-350 can notify the PC of the condition of each button and LED using this data
E-Response Data Packet Format (PC —> RE-350)
When the PC receives the Event Data Packet from the RE-350, the PC should respond to the
RE-350 with this data packet.
Control Command Packet Format (PC —> RE-350)
The PC can request an operation from the RE-350 using this command.
Header ID number Response number Parameter
A0h * *h * *h MSH LSH
C-Response Data Packet Format (PC <— RE-350)
The PC can determine whether the RE-350 could perform and finish an operation command given to it by the PC or
failed to perform the operation command given to it by the
Header ID number Event number Parameter
20h * *h * *h MSH LSH
Event Data Packet Format (PC <— RE-350)
When the RE-350's {RS-232} button is pushed, the RE-350 will send this packet to the PC.
1.8 Data Packet Configuration
Header ID number Command number Parameter
10h * *h * *h MSH LSH
Header ID number Response number Parameter
B0h * *h * *h MSH LSH