RE-350 16bit Sample Code (
1) This example application was written and compiled with Microsoft C/C++ and SDK Version 1.52 (16 bits ONLY).
Open the project in Microsoft Visual C/C++ to edit and recompile.
The DLL and example application are built separately. You can use RE350DLL.DLL as is by importing the functions
described below (or in RE350.H).
You can also rebuild the application in MS-DOS by typing:
nmake -fre350dll.mak
nmake -fexample.mak
2) RE350.C and RE350.H constitute the basic driver and are generalized to work with any application. All of the
functions return an error code (defined in RE350.H) to indicate whether the operation was successful.
Initialize communications with the RE-350:
int FAR PASCAL RE350_Open( int iComPort )
int iComPort: RE350_COM1-RE350_COM4
Execute an RE-350 command:
int FAR PASCAL RE350_Command( int iDevice, int nCmd, WORD wRequest, LPWORD lpwResponse );
int iDevice: device 0-3 (check dip switch on the back)
int nCmd: Command defined in RE350.H.
WORD wRequest: Request data if required by command.
(Use RE350_NULL_REQUEST if not required).
LPWORD wRequest:Pointer to response (or NULL).
Close communications with the RE-350:
4) EXAMPLE.C is a simple application which demonstrates the operation of the driver. After getting this to compile in
your environment, you can add additional commands (via RE350_Command) to test the camera’s operation.
All of the RE-350 commands are implemented through this function.