Canon RE-350 Webcam User Manual

2.5 E-response Data Packet Table
E-response Description 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte
Header ID # EVENT# Para(H) Para(L)
Denied $B0 $8* $00 $01 $00
Accepted $B0 $8* $00 $00 $00
When the PC receives an Event Data Packet (Request ON line or Request OFF line) from the RE-350, the PC
should send this E-response packet back to the RE-350 to tell that the PC can disconnect from or connect to the RE-
. After the RE-350 receives this request, it takes one second to complete.
When the PC receives an Event Data Packet (Request ON line or Request OFF line) from the RE-350, and the PC
cannot accept this request, the PC should send this response packet to the RE-350. After the RE-350 receives this
request, it takes one second to complete.