Syntax ... : Cls : ...
Function Clears all expressions and calculation results from the display.
Syntax Locate <column number> , <row number> , <value>
Locate <column number> , <row number> , <expression>
Locate <column number> , <row number> , "<character string>"
row number
4, 1
column number
Function Displays the specifi ed value or character string at the specifi ed screen
• Screen location is specifi ed as (<column number>, <line number>), with
the location of the upper left corner being (1, 1) and the lower right corner
(16, 4). An error (Argument ERROR) occurs if you specify a location that is
outside of the range defi ned above.
• Specifying <expression> will cause the result of the expression to appear
at the specifi ed location. If the expression is a variable, the value assigned
to the variable will appear. Note that an error (Math ERROR or Syntax
ERROR) will occur if the calculation result is a complex number, list, or
Example Locate 5 , 2 , "CASIO fx"
Logical Operator Commands
And (COMP)
Syntax <expression> And <expression>
Function Evaluates the expressions (equality or inequality) on either side and returns
true or false based on their logical product.
Example ?
A : ?
B : If A = 2 And B > 0 : Then A ÷ B : Else B : IfEnd
Syntax <expression> Or <expression>
Function Evaluates the expressions (equality or inequality) on either side and returns
true or false based on their logical sum.
Example While A < 10 Or B < 5 : A + B
A + 1
A : B + 1
B : WhileEnd
Not (COMP)
Syntax Not <expression>
Function Evaluates the expression (equality or inequality) immediately following and
returns its negation.
Example Do : ?
A : A × 2
B : B
LpWhile Not B < 10