I Other
Function: Displayed the contents specified by the capture memory number.
Syntax: RclCapt <capture memory number> (capture memory number: 1 to 20)
6. Using Calculator Functions in Programs
I Text Display
You can include text in a program by simply enclosing it between double quotation marks.
Such text appears on the display during program execution, which means you can add labels
to input prompts and results.
Program Display
? m X?
"X =" ? m X X = ?
• If the text is followed by a calculation formula, be sure to insert a display command (<)
between the text and calculation.
• Inputting more than 21 characters causes the text to move down to the next line. The screen
scrolls automatically if the text exceeds 21 characters.
• You can specify up to 255 bytes of text for a comment.
I UsingMatrixRowOperationsinaProgram (Not available on the fx-7400GII)
These commands let you manipulate the rows of a matrix in a program.
• For this program, enter the RUN•MAT mode and then use the Matrix Editor to input the
matrix, and then enter the PRGM mode to input the program.
S Toswapthecontentsoftworows(Swap)
Example 1 To swap the values of Row 2 and Row 3 in the following matrix:
Matrix A =
The following is the syntax to use for this program.
Swap A, 2, 3=
Rows to be swapped
Matrix name
Mat A