Configuring Quality of Service
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 166
STEP 3 Go to the Networking > QoS > WAN QoS > Policy Profile to Interface Mapping
page to apply the inbound QoS policy profile on the WAN port. In this case,
choose the QoS policy profile called “voice-inbound-profile” from the Inbound
Policy Name drop-down list.
Configuring LAN QoS
LAN QoS specifies priority values that can be used to differentiate traffic and give
preference to higher-priority traffic, such as telephone calls. Refer to the following
• Configuring LAN Queue Settings, page 167
• Configuring LAN QoS Classification Methods, page 167
• Mapping CoS to LAN Queue, page 168
• Mapping DSCP to LAN Queue, page 168
• Configuring Default CoS, page 169
QoS Class Rule Add a QoS class rule with the following settings:
• Class: Choose the traffic class called
• DSCP Marking: Choose the DSCP tag value
(such as 46) for the inbound voice traffic
depending on the QoS settings on your voice
switch. For more information, see
Understanding DSCP Values, page 171.
• CoS Marking: Choose the CoS tag value (such
as 6) for the inbound voice traffic depending on
the QoS settings on your voice switch.