Network Status
Cisco ISA500 Series Integrated Security Appliances Administration Guide 94
This report only monitors the website visits through the HTTP port specified
in the advanced settings of either Firewall Content Filtering or Web URL
Filtering. You can block the websites if inappropriate websites appear in this
report. For information on blocking the websites, see Configuring Content
Filtering to Control Internet Access, page 281, or Configuring Web URL
Filtering, page 327.
STEP 4 Click Refresh to update the data on the screen, or click Reset to reset the values
to zero.
• Statistics Start Time: Displays the time that the report starts collecting the
NOTE: When a report is enabled or disabled or if you click Reset, the sample
period for the report is reset.
• Last Refresh Time: Displays the time of your last refresh operation.
WAN Bandwidth Reports
Use the WAN Bandwidth page to view the real-time WAN network bandwidth
usage per hour in the past 24 hours. This page is automatically updated every 10
STEP 1 To enable the WAN bandwidth reports, check the box next to Collect and Display
WAN Bandwidth Statistics.
STEP 2 Click Save to save your settings.
STEP 3 In the Primary WAN tab, you can see the real-time network bandwidth usage per
hour in the past 24 hours for the primary WAN port.
STEP 4 In the Secondary WAN tab, you can see the real-time network bandwidth usage
per hour in the past 24 hours for the secondary WAN port if a secondary WAN port
is configured.
STEP 5 Click Refresh to manually refresh the data.
STEP 6 Click Reset to reset the WAN bandwidth usage data for both the primary WAN
and the secondary WAN ports.