Appendix D
serif A short line stemming from and at an angle to the upper
or lower end of the stroke of a letter or number character.
set To turn on, activate, invoke, or enable.
SFCC Abbrev. for special function control character. The first
character in a printer command sequence. In P-Series
emulation mode, you can select 0 though 7F as the
SFCC. In Epson FX and Proprinter emulation mode, the
SFCC must always be the ASCII ESC character.
See also command sequence and escape sequence.
size, type See point.
slewing Rapid vertical paper movement.
spacing See font, proportional and font, monospaced.
start bits In serial data transfer, a signal indicating the beginning of
a character or data element.
stop bits In serial data transfer, a signal indicating the end of a
character or data element.
string Two or more bytes of data or code treated as a unit.
style, type See type style.
symbol set See character set.
type family See typeface.
type size See point.
type style Refers to either the upright or italic character style in a
specific font family. Roman is upright, italic is slanted.
typeface A descriptive name or brand name that identifies a
particular design of type. Examples are: Courier,
Helvetica, and Swiss. Also called type family.
typographic font See font, proportional.
VFU Abbrev. for vertical format unit.