25 Tot ____________ kVAr
Ph1-2(d) ____________ kVAr
Ph3-4(d) ____________ kVAr
Ph5-6(d) ____________ kVAr
26 Tot ____________ PF
Ph1-2(d) ____________ PF
Ph3-4(d) ____________ PF
Ph5-6(d) ____________ PF
27 Gnd ____________ %THDI
Ph1-2(d) ____________ %THDI
Ph3-4(d) ____________ %THDI
Ph5-6(d) ____________ %THDI
28 Demand S1 Ph-N
Ph1-N(d) ____________ %THDV
Ph3-N(d) ____________ %THDV
Ph5-N(d) ____________ %THDV
29 Gnd OC Trip ____________
Ph1-2 OC Trip ____________
Ph3-4 OCTrip ____________
Ph5-6 OC Trip ____________
30 SGF OC Trip ______
Operations ______
31 Battery Monitor
Normal _______ V
Normal _____ mA
Test _______ V
32 – Phase MT ______ A
ALT1 MT ______ A
ALT2 MT ______ A
ALT3 MT ______ A
Screen 25 – Total kVAr and kVAr per Phase
Screen 26 – Demand Power Factor
Screen 27 – Demand THD Current
Screen 28 – Demand THD Voltage
Screen 29 – Number of Trips for Ground and Phase
Screen 30 – Number of SGF Trips and Total Trip
Screen 31 – Battery Monitor
The Battery Monitor displays the battery voltage, current,
and voltage during a battery test. The Battery Monitor is
used with the Battery Test pushbutton. Refer to the Bat-
tery Test Procedure section of these instructions for
more information.
Screen 32 – Phase Minimum Trip Settings
Phase minimum trip settings are listed for the four protec-
tion profiles. Line 1 is the normal setting, ALT1 is profile
No. 1, ALT2 is profile No. 2, and ALT3 is profile No. 3.
Phase Minimum Trip Settings allow verification of trip set-
tings before selection of an alternate profile.
33 Gnd MT ______ A
Alt1 MT _______ A
Alt2 MT ______ A
Alt3 MT _______ A
Screen 33 – Ground Minimum Trip Settings
Ground minimum trip settings are listed for the four pro-
tection profiles. Line 1 is the normal setting, ALT1 is pro-
file No. 1, ALT2 is profile No. 2, and ALT3 is profile No. 3.
Ground Minimum Trip Settings allow verification of trip
settings before selection of an alternate profile.
34 Gnd Max ____________A
Time Date
Ph1-2 Max ____________A
Time Date
Screen 34 – Ground Max, Phase 1-2 Max Demand
35 Ph 3-4 Max ____________A
Time Date
Ph5-6 Max ____________A
Time Date
Screen 35 – Phase 3-4 Max, Phase 5-6 Max Demand