*Note: Supervisory Alternate Profile 3 replaced by Switch
Mode on UDP controls.
Kyle Form 5, Form 5 UDP, Form 5 DC NOVA Recloser Control Installation and Operation Instructions
Standard and UDP Control DIF Module 1
The 12 outputs of the DIF Module are Form C relay contacts. Six of the outputs are latching and six are non-latching.
Note: Contacts shown in inactive mode.
Output Connector Function Type Description
1 P3-1 NC Normal Profile Non-Latched
P3-2 NO
2 P3-3 NC Non-Reclosing Non-Latched
P3-4 NO
3 P3-5 NC Cold-Load Pickup Blocked Non-Latched
P3-6 NO
4 P3-7 NC Supervisory Blocked Non-Latched
P3-8 NO
5 P3-9 NC AC power Non-Latched
P3-10 NO
6 P3-11 NC Control OK Non-Latched
P3-12 NO
7 P2-1 NO Recloser Open Latched
P2-2 NC
8 P2-3 NO Hot Line Tag Latched
P2-4 NC
9 P2-5 NO Ground Trip Blocked Latched
P2-6 NC
10 P2-7 NO Alternate Profile 1 Latched
P2-8 NC
11 P2-9 NO Alternate Profile 2 Latched
P2-10 NC
12 P2-11 NO Alternate Profile 3* Latched
P2-12 NC
Normal Profile is active only when Alternate Profiles are
inactive. Normal reclosing operations will follow.
This output is active when the NON-RECLOSING indicator
in the operator panel is illuminated.
This output is active when the COLD LOAD PICKUP
BLOCKED indicator on the operator panel is illuminated.
Supervisory Blocked prevents operation from supervisory
control. Programming is accessible from the operator panel.
This output is active when the SUPERVISORY BLOCKED
indicator on the operator panel is illuminated.
AC power indicator is active when the control detects the
presence of AC power. This output is active when the AC
power indicator on the operator panel is illuminated.
Control OK indicator is active when the control is able to per-
form protection operations. This output is active when the
CONTROL OK indicator on the operator panel is illuminated.
Recloser Open indicator is active when the recloser signals
the control that the recloser contacts are open. This output is
active when the RECLOSER OPEN indicator is illuminated.
These outputs are active when the respective ALTERNATE
PROFILE indicators on the operator panel is illuminated.
With Hot Line Tag active, close circuit is disabled and the
HOT LINE TAG indicator is illuminated. With Hot Line Tag
inactive, the control switched back to the previous time cur-
rent curve for the active profile, close circuit is enabled and
the HOT LINE TAG indicator is off. This output is active
when the operator panel indicator is illuminated.
Ground Trip Blocked causes the control to block ground trip-
ping operations. This output is active when the GND TRIP
BLOCKED INDICATOR on the operator panel is illuminated.