Document #: 38-08015 Rev. *J Page 40 of 99
Register Description
The Device n Endpoint n Address register is used as the base
pointer into memory space for the current Endpoint transaction.
There are a total of eight endpoints for each of the two ports. All
endpoints have the same definition for their Device n Endpoint n
Address register.
Address (Bits [15:0])
The Address field sets the base address for the current trans-
action on a signal endpoint.
Device n Endpoint n Count Register [R/W]
■ Device n Endpoint 0 Count Register [Device 1: 0x0204 Device 2: 0x0284]
■ Device n Endpoint 1 Count Register [Device 1: 0x0214 Device 2: 0x0294]
■ Device n Endpoint 2 Count Register [Device 1: 0x0224 Device 2: 0x02A4]
■ Device n Endpoint 3 Count Register [Device 1: 0x0234 Device 2: 0x02B4]
■ Device n Endpoint 4 Count Register [Device 1: 0x0244 Device 2: 0x02C4]
■ Device n Endpoint 5 Count Register [Device 1: 0x0254 Device 2: 0x02D4]
■ Device n Endpoint 6 Count Register [Device 1: 0x0264 Device 2: 0x02E4]
■ Device n Endpoint 7 Count Register [Device 1: 0x0274 Device 2: 0x02F4]
Register Description
The Device n Endpoint n Count register designates the
maximum packet size that can be received from the host for OUT
transfers for a single endpoint. This register also designates the
packet size to be sent to the host in response to the next IN token
for a single endpoint. The maximum packet length is 1023 bytes
in ISO mode. There are a total of eight endpoints for each of the
two ports. All endpoints have the same definition for their Device
n Endpoint n Count register.
Count (Bits [9:0])
The Count field sets the current transaction packet length for a
single endpoint.
Write all reserved bits with ’0’.
Table 65. Device n Endpoint n Count Register
Bit # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Field Reserved Count...
Read/Write - - - - - - R/W R/W
Default X X X X X X X X
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Field ...Count
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Default X X X X X X X X
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