Cypress CY7C67300 Computer Hardware User Manual

Document #: 38-08015 Rev. *J Page 66 of 99
SPI Configuration Register [0xC0C8] [R/W]
Register Description
The SPI Configuration register controls the SPI port. Fields apply
to both master and slave mode unless otherwise noted.
3Wire Enable (Bit 15)
The 3Wire Enable bit indicates if the MISO and MOSI data lines
are tied together allowing only half duplex operation.
1: MISO and MOSI data lines are tied together
0: Normal MISO and MOSI Full Duplex operation (not tied
Phase Select (Bit 14)
The Phase Select bit selects advanced or delayed SCK phase.
This field only applies to master mode.
1: Advanced SCK phase
0: Delayed SCK phase
SCK Polarity Select (Bit 13)
This SCK Polarity Select bit selects the polarity of SCK.
1: Positive SCK polarity
0: Negative SCK polarity
Scale Select (Bits [12:9])
The Scale Select field provides control over the SCK frequency,
based on 48 MHz. Refer to Tab le 106 for a definition of this field.
This field only applies to master mode.
Master Active Enable (Bit 7)
The Master Active Enable bit is a read only bit that indicates if
the master state machine is active or idle. This field only applies
to master mode.
1: Master state machine is active
0: Master state machine is idle
Master Enable (Bit 6)
The Master Enable bit sets the SPI interface to master or slave.
This bit is only writable when the Master Active Enable bit reads
‘0’, otherwise the value does not change.
1: Master SPI interface
0: Slave SPI interface
SS Enable (Bit 5)
The SS Enable bit enables or disables the master SS output.
1: Enable master SS output
0: Disable master SS output (three state master SS output, for
single SS line in slave mode)
SS Delay Select (Bits [4:0])
When the SS Delay Select field is set to ‘00000’ this indicates
manual mode. In manual mode SS is controlled by the SS
Manual bit of the SPI Control register. When the SS Delay Select
field is set between ‘00001’ to ‘11111’, this value indicates the
count in half bit times of auto transfer delay for: SS low to SCK
active, SCK inactive to SS high, SS high time. This field only
applies to master mode.
Table 105. SPI Configuration Register
Bit # 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
SCK Polarity
Scale Select Reserved
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W -
Default 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
SS Delay Select
Read/Write R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Default 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
Table 106. Scale Select Field Definition for SCK Frequency
Scale Select [12:9] SCK Frequency
0000 12 MHz
0001 8 MHz
0010 6 MHz
0011 4 MHz
0100 3 MHz
0101 2 MHz
0110 1.5 MHz
0111 1 MHz
1000 750 KHz
1001 500 KHz
1010 375 KHz
1011 250 KHz
1100 375 KHz
1101 250 KHz
1110 375 KHz
1111 250 KHz
Table 106. Scale Select Field Definition for SCK Frequency
Scale Select [12:9] SCK Frequency
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