Document #: 38-08015 Rev. *J Page 8 of 99
SPI Pins
The SPI port has a few different pin location options as shown in
Table 9. The port location is selectable via the GPIO control
register [0xC006].
High-Speed Serial Interface
EZ-Host provides an HSS interface. The HSS interface is a
programmable serial connection with baud rate from 9600 baud
to 2.0M baud. The HSS interface supports both byte and block
mode operations and also hardware and software handshaking.
Complete control of EZ-Host can be accomplished through this
interface via an extensible API and communication protocol. The
HSS interface can be exposed through GPIO pins or the External
Memory port.
HSS Features
■ 8 bits, no parity code
■ Programmable baud rate from 9600 baud to 2M baud
■ Selectable 1- or 2-stop bit on transmit
■ Programmable inter-character gap timing for Block Transmit
■ 8-byte receive FIFO
■ Glitch filter on receive
■ Block mode transfer directly to/from EZ-Host internal memory
(DMA transfer)
■ Selectable CTS/RTS hardware signal handshake protocol
■ Selectable XON/XOFF software handshake protocol
■ Programmable Receive interrupt, Block Transfer Done inter-
■ Complete access to internal memory
HSS Pins
The HSS port has a few different pin location options as shown
in Table 10. The port location is selectable via the GPIO control
register [0xC006].
Programmable Pulse/PWM Interface
EZ-Host has four built in PWM output channels. Each channel
provides a programmable timing generator sequence that can be
used to interface to various image sensors or other applications.
The PWM interface is exposed through GPIO pins.
Programmable Pulse/PWM Features
■ Four independent programmable waveform generators
■ Programmable predefined frequencies ranging from 5.90 KHz
to 48 MHz
■ Configurable polarity
■ Continuous and one-shot mode available
Programmable Pulse/PWM Pins.
Table 9. SPI Interface Pins
Pin Name Pin Number
Default Location
nSSI 56 or 65
SCK 61
Alternate Location
nSSI 73
SCK 72
Table 10. HSS Interface Pins
Pin Name Pin Number
Default Location
CTS 44
RTS 53
RXD 54
TXD 55
Alternate Location
CTS 67
RTS 68
RXD 69
TXD 70
Table 11. PWM Interface Pins
Pin Name Pin Number
PWM3 44
PWM2 53
PWM1 54
PWM0 55
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