Dell DCSM Personal Computer User Manual

Desktop Computer 125
Hard Drive
CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the
Product Information Guide
CAUTION: To guard against electrical shock, always unplug your computer from the electrical outlet before
removing the computer cover.
NOTICE: To avoid damage to the drive, do not set it on a hard surface. Instead, set the drive on a surface,
such as a foam pad, that will sufficiently cushion it.
NOTE: If you have two hard drives installed, see "Removing and Replacing a Second Hard Drive" on page 129
for removal and replacement instructions for the second hard drive.
Removing the Hard Drive
If you are replacing a hard drive that contains data you want to keep, back up your files before you
begin this procedure.
Follow the procedures in "Before You Begin" on page 19.
NOTE: Since the following steps do not require the complete removal of the optical drive and the floppy drive,
it is not necessary to disconnect the cables connecting the two drives.
Remove the optical drive (see "Removing an Optical Drive" on page 115) from the bay and
carefully set it aside.
Remove the floppy drive, media card reader, or second hard drive, if installed, (see "Removing a
Floppy Drive" on page 119, "Removing the Media Card Reader" on page 122, or "Removing and
Replacing a Second Hard Drive" on page 129) and carefully set it aside.
Squeeze the two plastic securing clips on each side of the hard drive and slide the drive towards
the back of the computer.