Memory or battery problem error message
Error Message:
Memory/Battery problems were detected. The adapter has
recovered, but cached data was lost. Press any key to continue
The message occurs under the following conditions:
• The adapter detects data in the controller cache that has not yet been written
to the disk subsystem.
• The controller detects an Error-Correcting Code (ECC) error while performing
its cache checking routine during initialization.
• The controller discards the cache rather than sending it to the disk subsystem
because the data integrity cannot be guaranteed.
• The battery may be under charged.
Allow the battery to charge fully to resolve this problem. If the problem persists, the
battery or controller memory may be faulty. Contact Dell Technical Support.
Firmware fault state error message
Error Message: Firmware is in Fault State.
Contact Dell Technical Support.
Foreign configuration found error message
Error Message:
Foreign configuration(s) found on adapter. Press any key to
continue, or ’C’ to load the configuration utility or ’F’ to
import foreign configuration(s) and continue.
When a controller firmware detects a physical disk with existing foreign metadata,
it flags the physical disk as foreign and generates an alert indicating that a foreign
disk was detected.
Press <F> at this prompt to import the configuration (if all member disks of the
virtual disk are present) without loading the BIOS Configuration Utility (<Ctrl>
<R>). Or press <C> to enter the BIOS Configuration Utility (<Ctrl> <R>) and either
import or clear the foreign configuration.
Foreign configuration not found in <ctrl> <R> error message
Error Message:
The foreign configuration message is present during POST but no
foreign configurations are present in the foreign view page in
<Ctrl> <R>. All virtual disks are in an optimal state
Ensure all your PDs are present and all VDs are in optimal state. Clear the foreign
configuration using <Ctrl> <R> or Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Storage
CAUTION: The physical disk goes to Ready state when you clear the foreign