DSL-524T ADSL Router Manual
Step 2.3 Dynamic IP Address
Figure 3-8. Set Dynamic IP Address
Choosing the third option and clicking Next
will lead you to the following window to
configure the Router for. Users choosing this
option should have software located on their
computer or other networking device to
establish a connection between you and
your ISP. DHCP allows the user to set the
Router so it will automatically set IP
addresses for other devices on the LAN. For
this option, you may change the PVC
(Permanent Virtual Channel) settings, which
are defined by two numbers, the VPI (Virtual
Path Indicator) and the VCI (Virtual Channel
Indicator). These two values should be
provided to you by your ISP. In most cases,
the default settings are correct and need not
be altered. The second setting is the
Connection Type by using the pull-down
menu. The two choices available to the user
here are 1483 Bridged IP LLC and 1483
Bridged IP VcMux, and this correct choice
should also be provided to you by your ISP.
The Cloned MAC Address field is used to
copy the MAC Address of your Ethernet
Adapter to the router. Simply enter the MAC
Address into the space provided and click
the Clone Mac Address button. After
setting the values listed, click the Next
button to go to Step 3 of the Configuration